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Line art for Back to Health Chiropractic

** Please note that Dr. McKenzi is now on the scheduler. She is taking Medicare Part B, Trust Fund, and self-pay patients. She is waiting on Aetna, Anthem, Prominence, and United**
If using the online scheduler and you are a new patient, please note that you will receive a text message confirmation when the time has been approved. We will call you as well to get more information prior to your appointment. 
If you are a current patient, you will receive an immediate confirmation text/email stating your appointment has been made. Please be sure to enter your birthdate/email/phone, etc correctly or the system will assume you are a new patient and require us to confirm the time. Editing/canceling your appointment cannot be done online/or by app at this time. Call us if you need to edit your appointment.

Spine and floral artwork for Back to Health Chiropractic and Wellness

615 Sierra Rose Dr, Ste 2C

Reno, Nevada 89511​

We share an entry with Studio 100 Pilates





M/F:    9:00am-2:00pm

W:       12:00pm-5:00pm

T/Th:    9:00am-5:00pm



Office Hours


Tel:  (775) 826-5800

Fax: (775) 826-8466





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